Event Rules and Safety
- These rules and procedures are intended to minimise the risks inherent in motorsport to competitors, spectators and the general public. All Club members including organisers, competitors and spectators must adhere to them at all times while attending Bridgend Automobile Club events.
- These procedures are intended to supplement the existing rules and regulations of the RACMSA and BAC.
- Failure to comply with these or RACMSA procedures may result in offenders being expelled from the Club.
Before the Event
- Ensure permits have been obtained by the Competition Secretary for the event to be organised.
- Ensure the relevant officials will be available on the day:
- Clerk of the Course.
- Timekeeper/Timekeeper’s assistant to record times and penalties on timesheet.
- Judge of Fact.
- General marshal to oversee running of event/marshalling paddock etc.
- Collect all necessary safety equipment, first aid kit, radios, stakes, tape and warning signs from storage.
- Ensure all paperwork is available – MSA permit, Competitors’ and Officials’ signing-on sheets, junior competitors consent forms, new membership forms, timesheets, MSA Blue Book extracts for Autotest regulations.
- Ensure event is publicised on web site and club members informed on the Tuesday Club night before event runs.
During the Event :
- For Llandow events obtain gate key from farmhouse opposite Victoria Inn in Sigingstone village.
- Ensure the course is set out in accordance with current MSA Blue Book requirements (attached).
- Arrive early enough to allow time to set up the course and carry out test runs.
- Ensure warning signs and red/white tape are in place to advise of paddock speed limits and ensure spectator safety.
- Ensure all paperwork is present (MSA permits, Competitors’ and Officials’ signing-on sheets, junior competitors’ consent forms, timesheets, new membership forms).
- Ensure all safety equipment is present at the start line (fire extinguisher, first aid kit, warning signs, radios).
- Allocate someone to conduct signing-on, collect entry fees and new membership fees (no fee = no run).
- All members must present membership cards at signing on or a fine will be applied.
- All passengers must be club members and must also sign on.
- Guardians must sign for any Junior members participating, whether they are passengers or drivers.
- Ensure all vehicles entered are eligible to run in accordance with current MSA Blue Book regulations (attached).
- Issue a driver’s briefing before the event starts and advise on the following:
- No speeding in paddock.
- No litter to be left behind.
- Driving standards both at the event and when leaving the venue will be monitored as any nuisance or dangerous driving will reflect badly on the club.
- Advise that all club members are expected to set an example at all times to the junior members in terms of conduct and driving standards.
- No smoking in competing vehicles.
- Drivers and passengers are not permitted to consume alcohol prior to or during the event.
- Clearly state any penalties or special regulations to be applied for this event (e.g. wheels on the grass).
- Identify all officials to the competitors.
- Walk the course and ensure all competitors are familiar with it.
- Make sure a course diagram is available to competitors.
- During the event ensure the allocated general marshal is keeping the flow of traffic to the start line constant to avoid delays.
- Ensure the course is clear of spectators and/or other competitors before allowing each car to start its run.
- Record all times and penalties accurately and clearly on the timesheet
After the Event:
- Ensure the course is fully dismantled and all equipment stored or collected for return.
- Ensure no litter is left behind.
- Remind all competitors to leave the venue quietly and safely with regard to other road users.
- If at Llandow lock the gate and ENSURE YOU PAY THE FARMER WHEN RETURNING THE KEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Any mishaps or accidents must be recorded and reported to the Competition Secretary who will file a report with the MSA if necessary.
- Ensure all timesheets are complete and calculate result standings for the event.
- Send the results to the Webmaster for publication on the website.
- Make results available to members at the next Tuesday Club night.
- Complete the details on the MSA permits concerning number of competitors and calculate fees due to the MSA.
- Return all paperwork (permits, results, signing-on sheets) and all money collected to the Competition Secretary and/or Treasurer at earliest opportunity.
- Return all equipment to storage with John Bevan or Terry Donovan.
- These procedures are applicable throughout the event including entering the venue, setting up, competing, clearing up and vacating the venue.
- Vehicles must not exceed a speed of 5 mph in any area of the venue except when competing on a run as directed by the organiser.
- All occupants including passengers in competing vehicles must be fully paid up members of Bridgend Automobile Club and must sign on.
- All competing cars must have a passenger seat and carry one passenger who must be over 14 years old.
- Seat belts must be worn by driver and passenger while competing.
- Smoking by any occupant of a competing vehicle is prohibited.
- Events must not proceed unless there is a serviceable fire extinguisher and first aid kit available at the venue.
- Only one car is allowed on the course at any one time except during familiarisation runs which have been duly authorised by the organiser and at which time a speed limit of 5 mph must not be exceeded.
- Any pets brought onto the venue must be physically restrained at all times.
- Children must be accompanied and supervised by an adult at all times.
- Practice runs before during and after events are at the discretion of the organiser and must be in compliance with these procedures.
- All club members must obey any instructions issued by the organiser or officers of the Club.
- Members must at all times act in a manner that does not endanger any persons or property at the venue.
- Spectators and parked cars must be kept clear of the course at all times with due consideration being given to run off areas for competing vehicles.
Navigational Scatters:
- Competitors must not exceed any speed limits during the event and comply with all aspects of the Highway Code and Road Traffic Act.
- Competing cars must comply with the MSA regulations for road rallies (Standard profile, no signwriting etc).
- All occupants including passengers in competing vehicles must be fully paid up members of Bridgend Automobile Club and must sign on.
- There maximum occupants in a competing car must not exceed the number of seats.
- Seatbelts must be worn by all occupants of competing vehicles.
- Smoking by any occupant of a competing vehicle is prohibited.
- Vehicles must be fully street legal with tax, MoT and insurance.
- All club members must obey any instructions issued by the organiser or officers of the Club.
- Members must at all times act in a manner that does not endanger any persons or property.
General Rules :
- While driving to and from any venue, including the Club meeting venue, Club Members must not exceed any speed limits and comply with all aspects of the Highway Code and Road Traffic Act.
- Club cards must be presented at the signing on for all competitors of events. Organisers must present final results with membership number against each competitor (or full name and telephone number of competitors who have been verified as being a club member and have paid the appropriate fine for non production of clubcard).
- In the event of any dispute, the organisers/competition secretary’s decision is final.
Tom Pedersen
BAC Secretary.