***Organisers/Marshals required for events – they will not run without your help ***

If you would like to help your club and organise an event, please email The Club Secretary.

Autotest entry Requirements here

Due to COVID Regulations the Drivers Briefing is available here and hard copies will be displayed at the event

Entry fees for all events, unless specified : £25.00
Club Membership cards and MSUK ‘RS Clubmans Licence’ must be shown to gain access to the event. Failure to produce these will prevent you taking part.

Start Times :

Autotest Sign is carried out online with details published on Facebook. The gates at Llandow will be opened at 9:00am until the event start at 10:00am
Llandow Location BAC at Llandow

SPECTATORS are now allowed but only on foot – please park outside the venue


Sunday 21st January – Llandow

Sunday 18th February – Llandow

Sunday 17th March – Llandow

Sunday 21st April – Llandow

Sunday 19th May – Llandow

Sunday 23rd June – Llandow

Sunday 14th July – Llandow

August – NO EVENT

Sunday 22nd September – Llandow

Sunday 20th October – Llandow

Sunday 17th November – Llandow

Sunday 8th December – Llandow

Sunday 29th December Special Xmas Autotest – Llandow

Currently we are unable to confirm any events at any other locations other than Llandow. We will do our best to find alternative locations.
Other Events may be arranged through the year.

BAC Policies and Supplementary Regulations for 2024 can be viewed here.

Committee Meetings 2024

9th January
13th February
12th March
9th April
14th May
11th June
9th July
No Meeting in August
10th September
8th October
12th November
10th December

For venue locations, see Events Calendar for full details.


The Annual General Meeting for 2023 took place on Tuesday 11th April 2023
The 2022 BAC AGM took place on Tuesday 12th April
There were no Annual General Meetings held in 2020 and 2021.
The 2019 BAC AGM took place on Tuesday 9th April – The minutes are available here

The 2018 BAC AGM took place on Tuesday 11th April – The minutes are available here

The 2017 BAC AGM took place on Tuesday 11th April – The minutes are available here

The 2016 BAC AGM took place on Tuesday 12th April – The minutes are available here

The 2015 BAC AGM took place on Tuesday 9th June – The minutes are available here

The 2014 BAC AGM took place on Tuesday 29th April – The minutes are available here

Annual Awards Night

The next Annual Awards night will be in 2024, details to follow

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